USS Rosenante Compile Sensory Overload 8 ==================== Sensory Overload Day 2 Stardate: 2414.11.02 ==================== (Rosenate Bridge, Signos, Day 2, 0300) (Rosenante, Sanok, Day 2, 0303) (Rosenate, Signos, Day 2, 0307) (Yora City, Nolar, Day 2, 0309) (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0313) (Yora City, Matrix, Day 2, 0315) (Yora City, Nolar, Day 2, 0318) (Yora City, Allen, Day 2, 0319) (Rosenate, Signos, Day 2, 0322) (Yora City, Nolar & Allen, Day 2, 0323) (Rosenante Bridge, Sanok, Day 2, 0324) (Yora City, C'Nell, Day 2, 0325) (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0328) (Rosenante Bridge, Signos, Day 2, 0332) (Yora City, C'Nell, Day 2, 0333) (Yora City, Matrix, Day 2, 0334) (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0335) (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0336) (Yora City, Nolar, Day 2, 0337) (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0338) (Terix, Solius, Day 2, 0339) (Yora City, C'Nell, Day 2, 0340) (Yora City, Tesha, Day 2, 0341) (Yora City Police Center, Gambril, Day 2, 0342) (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0343) (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0346) (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0348) (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0350) (Yora City,, Nolar, Day 2, 0351) (Yora III, Nolar, Day 2, 0359) (Yora City, Allen, Day 2, 0400) (Yora City, C'Nell, Day 2, 0401) (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0402) (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0407) (Yora City Hospital, Andersen, Day 2, 0409) ==================== (Rosenate Bridge, Signos, Day 2, 0300) Jessica manned the bridge afther the Captain quickly made his exit. It seemed something about this mission did not set well with him. Jessica also had the proverbial feeling of being watched, that something was going to happen. For the first time in a long while she felt scared, but not for herself but for those on the planet namely C'nell. She wondered why the captain had chosen to keep her on the Rosenate instead of having planet side. Out of eveyone on the ship she had vastly more experience in black op missions, but that knowledge came at the price of Lily. Maybe that was it, did the captain not feel comfortable with trusting his crew in the hands of an assassin. Jessica scanmed the bridge, she eyes landing on the center chair. The bridge was hers, she spent for years in the acadamy training to command a starship of her own. But that was before, now she stayed behind the security console pondering the mission and how it was handled so far. Something was being overlooked, now it was time to figure out what that was. Because if Jessica could not figure out what was escaping her than maybe Lily would. She opened her mind to her alternative persona and let the assassin in. There in her mind the assassin looked over the information gathered so far. 'Wasn't the initial distress call made from outside the city.' It was a simple enough comment that had profound consequences. It was the settlement outside Yora city that hsd called for help. Jessica pondered and the next thoughts caused her stomach to lurch. If this was no accident then those people, the settlement were whitness to an atrocity... she let her thought trail off. Pressing her Comm-badge she opened a communications channel. "Signos to Captain Sanok, I believe the settlement outside the city may be in trouble." (Reply Sanok) Jessica only hoped they would not be to late. (Posted by Matthew Locke) ----- (Rosenante, Sanok, Day 2, 0303) As Sanok approached the door to the quarters where Governor Caru was, the security officer on guard snapped to attention. Sanok paused for a moment, as he was still not accustomed to members from his old department doing that. "As you were, Ensign." The officer relaxed his stance. "I will be speaking with the governor. Remain here." "Yes, sir." Sanok entered the cabin. When Caru saw who it was, he immediately stood up and began ranting and complaining, his arms flailing wildly. "Please, Governor, cease this behavior. It is beneath a man of your station." Caru froze in place, his arms still extended. It was as though Sanok's words had slapped him in the face. With an embarrassed expression, he lowered his arms and stood in a more dignified posture. "What do you want, Captain Sanok?" "I will get directly to the point. We know about the addiction your people have with the implanted chips..." Sanok was unable to finish, as Caru cut him off. "There is no addiction, Captain. Yes, the people depend on the chips, but they can stop using them at any time. They simple do not choose that option." "Governor, I will not argue with you. Our medical and science people have studied this and we know it to be true." He paused and stared directly into Caru's eyes. "You have been in office for twelve years, so it is certain you are aware of this." Sanok took a step towards Caru, intentionally using his greater size to try to intimidate the Yoran. Caru took a step back. "You can't do this to me! I'm the leader of a sovereign world, a non-Federation world. You have no right to hold me and my staff like this. I demand that you release us now." He crossed his arms over his chest. "One of your staff, Menion Lors, is under arrest for assaulting one of my officers. Security footage clearly shows him sticking Dr. Scudder and implanting a telepathic inhibiting chip into him. Unless you wish to be charged as an accomplice, you will answer my questions." Caru didn't move. "I assure you, Governor, though you are from a non-Federation world, the charges will be enforced. I am giving you one chance, and only one." The two men looked at each other for a time, but Governor Caru was the first to blink. "What do you want to know?" Caru sat, his eyes looking downward at the floor. Before saying anything, Sanok received a call from the bridge. =^=Signos to Captain Sanok. I believe the settlement outside the city may be in trouble.=^= Sanok had been so preoccupied with everything else that was happening, he had forgotten about the other settlement. They were descendants of the original colonists, but they believed in living a simpler life, one with less technology. If they still had power, they would be a target for crazed Yorans desperately searching for a tech fix. "Ensign, organize a security team and head to the surface. Provide protection for those people. Leave as soon as you are ready." After Signos acknowledged the order and the comm channel was closed. Sanok returned his attention to Governor Caru. "Now, Governor, this is what I want to know...." (reply Signos iyw) (posted by Bob) ----- (Rosenate, Signos, Day 2, 0307) =/\=Ensign, organize a security team and head to the surface. Provide protection for those people. Leave as soon as you are ready.=/\= "Yes sir," Jessica turned to the ops station. "Ensign Tykioma, you have the bridge, till the captain returns." She turned and and exited the bridge and headed to shuttle bay 2, pressing her comm bage she opened a channel "Ensign Signos to tactical team theta, sigma, and delta report to shuttle bay two for deployment briefing en route to planet side." She closed the channel and entered the nearest turbolift and entered the desigered floor. (Reply none) (Posted by Matthew Locke) ----- (Yora III, Nolar, Day 2, 0309) Gan and Allen continued their way through the city. Gan didn't liked it. He definitely preferred when he was in control, and somehow, he could not stop thinking someone was watching him and as soon as he would do something that someone didn't wanted him to do, that someone would intervene. He anticipated a trap set in the lower part of the government building...As soon as he would step there, the trap would close on himself. But how to avoid a trap you don't even know? An idea came. He wondered though if that could be find in the city. Moving to a safe area (where no one is around), he started to communicate his idea to Allen. "Petty Officer Allen, you do have a tricorder, don't you? I need to find sane people in this city. Certainly there are some people here that are not using this technology and are still in perfect mental health? I need to find one. I order you to assist me." ordered Gan. (Reply Allen) "No you may not! So, where would you hide if you were still in perfect mental health and you were seeing all those crazy people? Or, where do you think the poor hide in this city?" asked Gan (Reply Allen) (Posted by Nick) ----- (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0313) The city was beautiful, even in this moment, the sharp and cold visual design reminded somewhat of the newest buildings back on earth, but there was enough of difference between - these looked sharper. The order was to make their way through the city, and enter hospital. The problem, of course, with the thousands of Yorans in between them and the city. (Reply: Matrix and Yoran Administrator) "Sounds like a good idea actually, if we go just forward we will probably never get through." Andersen agreed, a small detour was in order, through one of the, what seemed to be, old sewage pipes leading to a block nearer the hospital. They would still have some walking to do after they'd exit, but a good deal of voyage would be cut. It felt good the hospital administrator was so eager to help them. After all, it was him who knew this place better then anyone of them. (Reply: Jackson) Jackson was worried - and with a right enough reason - the old pipes were abandoned, who knows what would they find there, and Andersen shared his worry that it's a perfect place for an ambush - tight corridors, low visibility, no light and no exit. Still, they definitely wouldn't be seen by Yoran masses in that case, and would understandably cut their time to hospital. Last thing she wanted to happen was an skirmish with Yoran civilians. If large enough group attacked them, the away team would be forced to defend themselves, provided they would be heavily outnumbered, a possibility of lethal force would be authorized. Andersen, as a doctor, thought of this as a worst nightmare. In that sense, she was even more for the detour. They made their way, slowly walking around the buildings and through small alleys to the entrance of the pipes. Stopping right in front, the order was issued to check weapons once again, and to have tricorders ready for scans in the pipes. (Reply: C'Nell) Andersen shook her head, agreeing with C'Nell "You know, there are times I really envied a Vulcan... but this isn't one of them." It was obvious by the smell, the pipes were closed down for a very long time. Why were they open now, she had no clue, but if they could use them to ease the travel, they very well should. (Reply: Matrix and/or Jackson) Ailyn looked towards Tesha, nodding her head. "No, after you, I insist." she said, laughing. (Reply: Tesha) (Posted by: Lani) ----- (Yora City, Matrix, Day 2, 0315) Yora City certainly looked different from the air and he could appreciate the architecture having time to look around. A fair distance away he could see people wandering the city streets and that concerned him. "I would like to avoid contact with the Yorans." Said Matrix. "Administrator I would ask your assistance in getting us to the hospital undetected." "Of course Commander. I know of a route we could take." Replied the Administrator as he approached Matrix. "See that second structure on the right, near the apex of the taller building...we need to get there. Then we can make our way toward the hospital using the narrow alleyways. I grew up in this area as a child and know these streets well." He continued. Matrix turned to Tom, "Tom what do you think about splitting into two groups? I'll take the Administrator and Tesha. Once we've made it there I'll signal you, Anderson and C'Nell. Okay?" (Reply Jackson, Anderson, Tesha, C'Nell) (Posted by Steve) ----- (Yora City, Nolar, Day 2, 0318) He and Allen finally found someone who wasn't affected by the withdrawal. >From the look of him, he seemed an outcast or something like that. That explained why he wasn't connected to the network. "Life has not smiled on you yet it seems, but things have changed. I have very valuable things in here that are going to make you rich. But before I give you any, you will have to fulfill one mission for me." said Gan. The Yoran seemed confused, but Gan knew he had gotten his attention. Using his Padd, he showed some of the stuff he had in his possession....well, most were in the runabout but it shouldn't be much of a problem to get them if needed. The eyes of the Yoran started fixing the Padd. He got him, thought Gan. Gan verified that the sensor blocked was effective. He also made his best to cut any possible surveillance device that could be in the area. He wanted to make sure no one heard or saw what they were doing. "You are going to go to a very secret place with Petty Officer Allen here. You are going to pretend you are I will be giving you my clothes. All you have to do is fake some technique discussions with petty officer Allen. Leave him behind to get inside, take a look around, install that device, hide somewhere for like twenty minutes and come back to meet Petty Officer Allen and get back with him by the very same way you got in. If you do that, I'm gonna give you a valuable piece of technology that you can sell or do whatever you want with it." explained Gan. The Yoran reflected on the mission. There were not much risk involved, so Gan anticipated he would accept. Without him having yet given an answer, Gan continued. "Of course, to make this credible, you will have to replace me at very precise place and time." Gan said. Using the Padd he had and a plan of the city, he showed where they were going to meet. The place was very very close to the Government Building. There they would meet...and there Gan would hide while the Yoran would take his place and go into the lower level of the Government Building. If his assumption were right, someone would knew he was there and would get him. However, what a surprise he would get when he realized that Yoran had switched place with him. "Now, if you do accept, you will have to bring me to a place where I can find that and leave us there and meet us where I said at 0344." the thing in question was the Yoran equivalant of a EPS relay station. He hoped to be able to detect all the power conduits running below the city through that EPS relay station. (Reply Allen, or reply the Yoran) (Posted by Nick) ----- (Yora City, Allen, Day 2, 0319) David and Lieutenant Nolar began moving through the city streets as quickly as they could, staying away from major access ways as much as possible. Whenever they would come to a group of Yorans, they would imitate their walk and behavior. It had worked so far, but they had to be extremely careful about revealing their true identities. Once any Yoran discovered they were Starfleet, and that they had tech devices with them, a tech-starved swarm would fall on them. David was still new to being part of important away missions. Most of his duty time since being assigned to the Rose, was ship security duty. He liked his assignment, but it was pretty cool to get to go off the ship once in a while. David tried to concentrate on the task at hand, but seeing the people suffering was beginning to affect him. He saw a teenage girl vomiting in the street. There were people writhing in pain. Others had passed out, and may have been dead. Still others were looting in a vain attempt to try to find some tech, anything that would give them their fix. He couldn't stop to help any of them, but it did strengthen his resolve to get Nolar to the power facility as quickly as possible. Nolar got David's attention and pointed towards an alley, where the duo slipped inside. "Petty Officer Allen, you do have a tricorder, don't you?" "Yes, sir," said David in a hushed tone. He had been using it to navigate through the city, though he turned it to silent mode. "I need to find sane people in this city," said Nolar. "Certainly there are some people here that are not using this technology and are still in perfect mental health. I need to find one. I order you to assist me." Several things went through David's mind at once. Why would Nolar ask if David had a tricorder? Of course he would, as it was standard equipment on an away mission. Perhaps it was simply part of his Cardassian nature. He also wondered why Nolar had deemed it necessary to specifically say he was ordering David to help. Nolar was an officer. He just needed to tell David something and he would do it. He had also not considered that there would be Yorans that hadn't been chipped yet. Most likely, it would be younger children, or people that were saving their money in order to be chipped. If there were people like that, they would probably be hiding somewhere. Thinking more about younger children huddling somewhere in fear, made his stomach queasy. Despite all that, the best thing they could do to help all the Yorans, would be to resume their trek to the power facility. "Sir, I think we can help the Yorans best by getting the power back on. May I resume moving us through the city?" "No, you may not! So, where would you hide if you were still in perfect mental health and you were seeing all those crazy people? Or, where do you think the poor hide in this city?" said Nolar. David frowned. It was very dark, so Nolar wouldn't have seen him. Any delays in restoring the power, made things worse for every Yoran. He didn't like this sidetrack the chief engineer wanted to do, but he had to do as he was told. "They could be hiding anywhere, though most likely, they'd be locked up tight in a basement or an attic." David paused for a moment to think. "As far as poor, the standard of living here is very high, so there may not be anyone that's considered as poor." Before Nolar could say anything further, David heard shouting in the street. Carefully peeking out from the alley, he saw three men accosting another man. The unfortunate victim was clutching something the others were trying to take from him. "Please, I need this! I haven't eaten for over two days! Please!" The largest man punched the man with the object, sending him sprawling to the street. He ran off with the object, the other two chasing after him. The injured man got up slowly and brushed off his clothes. With his shoulders slumped, he began walking away. His gait was normal. Perhaps a person without a chip had just fallen into their laps. "Psst. You. Come here," said David. "I have food I can share with you." The man stopped and whirled around, searching for who had called to him. "Over here." David stepped out of the alley and waved. The man was uncertain about what to do. "I'm not chipped either," said David. "We need to help each other. I know a safe place to hide. Come on, what do you have to lose?" The man didn't move for about ten seconds. Sighing loudly, he walked towards David, and followed into the alley. "What do you have to eat?" said the man. When he saw there was another person with David, he froze, then tried to leave. David grabbed him, preventing him from fleeing. "We're not going to hurt you." "Who are you? What do you want?" It was clear the man was afraid now. "Life has not smiled on you yet it seems, but things have changed," said Nolar. "I have very valuable things in here that are going to make you rich, but before I give you any, you will have to fulfill one mission for me." David wondered what Nolar was going to do. Nolar showed the man a PADD. David was standing behind him so he could get away, so David was able to see what was on the screen. It was an inventory of some of the things they had on the runabout. "You are going to go to a very secret place with Petty Officer Allen here," said Nolar. By using David's rank, Nolar had revealed they were Starfleet. So much for being covert. "You are going to pretend you are me, so I will be giving you my clothes. All you have to do is fake some technique discussions with Petty Officer Allen, leave him behind to get inside, take a look around, install that device, hide somewhere for like twenty minutes, and come back to meet Petty Officer Allen and get back with him by the very same way you got in. If you do that, I'm gonna give you a valuable piece of technology that you can sell or do whatever you want with it." Nolar had to be kidding. He had told David they were going to die, which David initially suspected to be typical Cardassian paranoia, but it was beginning to get out of hand. "Of course," said Nolar, "to make this credible, you will have to replace me at very precise place and time. Now, if you do accept, you will have to bring me to a place where I can find that and leave us there and meet us where I said at 0344." David knew what Nolar was doing was wrong. They had been given specific orders directly by Captain Sanok. This game Nolar was playing to save his own hide, would accomplish nothing but harming more Yorans, as it would take more time to get the power going again. Being in Starfleet sometimes meant they had to take risks, risks that occasionally put their safety, or their lives, on the line. David couldn't see the Yoran's face, but by the silence, he could presume the man was considering the offer. David was considering something of his own, and it could have repercussions for him once they made it back to the Rose. Remembering one of his classes in Sec/Tac training after Basic, David knew there were times a person in Starfleet had to stand for what was right, even if it meant that person could face the consequences for it. This was one of those times. His training to follow the chain-of-command was screaming in one ear, but what he was taught about right and wrong, was in the other, and it was becoming louder by the second. His heart was pounding and his mouth was dry, but David knew what he had to do. Reaching into his pocket, David gave the Yoran man two ration bars. He pushed him out of the alley. "Get out of here, now!" The Yoran stared at David for a moment, then ran off. "Lieutenant Nolar, if you want to put me on report for this, go ahead, but we were given an assignment by the captain, and that's exactly what we're going to do." (reply Nolar) (posted by Bob B.) ----- (Rosenate, Signos, Day 2, 0322) She entered the shuttle bay to see the teams she called for assembled and loading a shuttle with the equipment and arms Jessica had request from the ops center en route to the shuttle bay. Has soon she was seen one of the tactical officers called out, "Officer on deck." Has soon has the call went out all work stopped and the assault teams fell into formation awaiting orders and the detaild of the mission at hand. "Here it is," Jessica spoke loudly and with an authority that far contradidicted her small size. "We are going planet side to the settlement, we are to protect the inhabitants of that settlement from the people of Yora city. There is the possibility of other forces at work here so be on your guard and keep your eyes open. We leave in thirty, so be ready... dismissed." With that everyone broke rank and went about their work loading the shuttle and getting ready for the mission. Jessica went about looking into crates checking the weapons and equipment making sure everything is as it should be. Satisfied she entered the shuttle with everyone else. (Reply none) (Posted by Matthew Locke) ----- (Yora City, Nolar & Allen, Day 2, 0323) "Lieutenant Nolar, if you want to put me on report for this, go ahead, but we were given an assignment by the captain, and that's exactly what we're going to do." Gan examined Allen for a long time. If he had been on Cardassia, that man's career would be over. Whatever the motives, whatever the intention of one's superior, not obeying was unacceptable. If he was asking you to lick the floor, you did it. That was how it worked. In Starfleet, the same could not be said, yet hierarchy still needed to be respected. If an order was given, the order had to be executed. If he could not get him out of the ship himself, he would pull the lever necessary to reach that goal. For the moment though, he had to deal with him. "Why have you done that?" asked Gan. David had let the Yoran go, and it was now time to start taking the heat for it. "The captain gave us the assignment of getting to the power facility to get things back on. All you've done so far, is complain that we're being sent to our deaths. Yorans are probably dying, and all you're worried about is allaying your own fears and paranoia. The longer we take, the more damage that's done here, and the more people suffer. Part of being in Starfleet is self-sacrifice. If there's a trap or someone waiting for us, we deal with it." David paused for a moment. "Sir." David's stomach was churning, but he had to be honest about what he had done. "Assessing the risk is not your responsibility. It is mine. You can disagree about my assessment, but you have no right to disobey my order. You think I'm exaggerating the risk? What about you are underestimating it? You cannot say there is no risk at all. Captain Sanok said himself there was a possibility someone like the Romulans could be behind this. Romulans! I'm not going to go out there and let a trap close on me just because my order required to be as quick as possible. I'll go out there, but with the necessary precaution to be sure I'm gonna succeed and survive. That is what is required of me. Achieve my goal in the least time possible, not do something that requires the least time possible, and hope it will succeed. That precaution was this man. I didn't expect him to die there. At worst, if there was a trap, he would be caught, but then when they had realized who he was, he would have been freed. But now, we don't have that precaution anymore, do we? But since you are so convinced there is no risk going out there, then I accept your proposition. You are going to go out there first and assess the situation. Then you are going to report back to me." said Gan. David was ready to go all in, but Nolar was technically right. Still, what Nolar had proposed, that the Yoran pretend to be a Starfleet engineer, enter the facility alone, and actually do some engineering work, was not only ridiculous, but it jeopardized the success of their part of the mission. There were also so many holes in the plan, so many variables, that the odds of it succeeding made it a crap shoot at best. Regardless of all that, this was not the time to deal with it. Once they got back to the Rose, reports would be submitted and David would certainly be required to stand before Lieutenant Commander Jackson, and probably the FO as well. He didn't expect his career to be over, but there would be a price to pay. "Yes, sir. I will go alone, sir. Where will you be hiding in the meantime, sir?" Each time David said, sir, he emphasized the word. "I'll tell you when we will be there. Now, let's resume our work," said Gan, not too pleased about the way things have turned out. If there was indeed a trap, Allen would not fair as good as a Yoran would have. He would have to bear the responsibility of Allen's disappearance, or death, which he wouldn't have had to with the Yoran, since Gan was convinced whoever were spying on them, would not kill a Yoran. They were not after the Yorans. They were after the Federation. David turned his tricorder back on, again in silent mode, and readied his phaser. Pausing to make sure the way was clear, he stepped out from the alley. (reply none) (posted by Bob & Nick) ----- (Rosenante Bridge, Sanok, Day 2, 0324) After leaving the quarters holding Governor Caru, Sanok contacted Ensign Signos and canceled her mission to Yora and ordered her to man the tactical station on the bridge. He wanted to protect the settlement that still had tech, but after learning what Caru had to say, protecting the ship was the top priority now. Stepping onto the bridge, Sanok immediately began issuing orders. "Shields up. Begin scanning for a cloaked Romulan ship." There was a heavy pause for a moment, but the orders were acknowledged and everyone began the task at hand. At some point, Signos arrived. "Ensign, man tactical. Ready all weapons and be prepared to fire at a moment's notice. There's a Romulan ship out there somewhere." Sanok had lived with his emotions for most of his life, so he understood the darker side of them. Still, it was difficult for him to comprehend how far into darkness the Yoran leadership had fallen. Caru had told Sanok that the addiction was intentionally built into the bio chips so the people would always be controlled. So many of their resources had been put into that effort, that over time, none of the engineers knew how to properly maintain the equipment. All that could be done, was to use parts from one thing, to temporarily keep something else running. Eventually, it had all come crashing down. At some point, the Romulans, who did business with the Yorans, learned about the intentional addiction. Threatening to expose them, which would destroy their contracts with many others, the Romulans forced the Yorans to develop technology for them. Not wanting the Federation to ruin what they had going, the Romulans were hiding in the shadows, watching every move the away teams had made. Caru demanded immunity from prosecution for telling Sanok all this, and Sanok had agreed. However, he had not promised to keep this information from the Yoran people. Caru's days as governor, had come to an end. Now, waiting for the away teams to return, and wondering what the Romulans would do, was all that mattered. With his hands clasped behind his back, Sanok stood and waited. (reply any) (posted by Bob B.) ----- (Yora City, C'Nell, Day 2, 0325) The Orders had been given and C'Nell stayed at the back; his job had been done now it was time for the guns to move in. It seemed that applied to the good Doctor as well. He wasn't someone he knew well, though now Anderson was sat next to him. C'Nell found it interesting how a year long tour of space could have such dull points. Space was big and even at warp speed travel was long and uninteresting, but then there would be intense moments of action that not everyone returns from. This wasn't like those times this was like looking over a revine; beyond the sheer fall was hell and fire and flame. He imagined this was what the ancient soldiers of Earths "Great war" felt like before they rushed the enemy trench. For C'Nell there was an additional trouble recently emotion had been coming into his mind; his love of Jessica was fine but other things; when he had thrown the puzzle across his quarters to losing his rational thought while acting as science officer on duty. Something was wrong... "Doctor I have something to tell you" the words rolled around his head for what felt like forever, when they came out C'Nell didn't notice it, nor did he notice the extreme pacing he had been doing... (Reply Anderson and any present iyw) )posted by Nathan) ----- (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0328) Andersen stood at the back, in the level with C'Nell. C'Nell was an interesting officer, highly intelligent, capable, straight down to the point, after all he had Vulcan blood in himself, but there was something odd about him at the moment. He had an uneasy feeling to him, Andersen could sense, she was taught to sense these things - through in her patients, she could apply the knowledge to everyday situations as well, understanding the patient meant easier diagnose even without all the technology at hand. The tender moments between him and Jessica Signos during active duty were tolerated, Andersen felt, by the active staff - she remembered two Cadets being expelled because they exhibited the same thing in the Academy. Her stance was that... if not anything else, it is a great stress reliever. That was of course the medical stance. Her personal stance was that everyone was entitled to love, that it didn't matter the race, the gender and the age. She was happy Jessica found someone to take care of her, despite her strength, she was still but a fragile girl deep inside. Thomas was a good man, and a fine officer, she couldn't think of anyone better for Jessica at the moment. "Doctor I have something to tell you" he said, Andersen trying desperately to catch up with his fast walking pace. "Go ahead, Ensign C'Nell." she said, turning her attention to him. She felt he had something to say, and she was all ears. (Reply C'Nell) (Posted by Lani) ----- (Rosenante Bridge, Signos, Day 2, 0332) She slide behind behind the tactical station the shoelds where already up, and the weapon systems were charging being brought out of stand by. Jessica quickly brought the Rosenates targeting systems online she knew that in battle with any cloacked ship that once the ship uncloaked the Rose would be already targeted and Jessica would have to be at her best to make sure the Rose would survive. Jessica was worried about C'Nell with being on a planet that was shipping into madness was a dangerous situation. She knew that while C'Nell had the Vulcan tendency for sound logic. That he was also impulsive always meaning the best but not taking in to consideration how is actions could impact future events. Unlike the Captain who always looked ahead to future events almost to the point where he doesn't allow himself to live in and enjoy the present. Even though both were Vulcan they were the complete opposites. Her hands moved over the console waiting for the responce from scans to come in from the ops station. Checking the tactical systems. "Tactical systems checking in, phasers are charged, shields at 100 percent, torpedo tubes are green across the board." (Reply Sanok) (Posted by Matthew Locke) ----- (Yora City, C'Nell, Day 2, 0333) The Doctor's tone was friendly and inviting but Thomas couldn't, what would he say? He hadn't meant to speak in the first place-even Jess didn't know about the troubled thoughts he had been having. "I..I... No-I cant" C'Nell staggered back; he was shaking and breathing deeply he felt oddly cold, he wasn't in control as he staggered back into a sitting position in the darkness. It felt like it was consuming him. He was barely conscious of what was happening for a few moments-a few seconds or maybe a minute. Only a minor lapse in his concentration. He looked with desperate eyes to the Doctor, he felt like a pleading animal, a puppy with begging eyes wanting direction from the bigger more intimidating pack leaders. (Reply Anderson) (posted by Nathan) ----- (Yora City, Matrix, Day 2, 0334) The Administrator had made his way to the far building. Matrix followed several meters behind, silently. Looking back briefly he noted Tesha, turning back he lost sight of the Administrator, but kept moving. A few moments passed and Matrix disappeared into the shadows of the building. Pausing to catch his breath he looked for the Administrator. ~He must have moved forward.~ thought Matrix. Crouching in the entryway, he searched the area for the Administrator, nothing. He moved to the next doorway 10 meters away, pressing his back against the shadows. Peering around the corner he noted two figures. The dim light reveled the silhouette of the Administrator, talking to someone Matrix couldn't make out. The two obviously knew one another, but both appeared nervous. Matrix moved back into the shadows and observed the two as they exchanged some small object, then the taller figure stepped out into the dim light. That was all the confirmation Matrix needed. The tall figure disappeared in a sparkle of energy. ~I've got to inform Tom and the Captain.~ thought Matrix. (Reply None) (Posted by Steve) ----- (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0335) C'Nell was looking sad, obviously troubled and seemed he couldn't quite concentrate on the present. "I..I... No-I cant" the man was shaking, breathing deeply and felt really uneasy. "Hey" she came near C'Nell, patting him on his shoulders "It's okay, you can tell me what's bothering you, if you wanna talk." she said, she was the chief medical officer, the well-being of the bridge officers was a highest priority she could have, besides she was worried for Thomas. "Every once in a while, a life will confuse us. No matter how logical we try thinking, some things happening in life defy logic, specially other people." Andersen said looking at C'Nell. She still didn't hear what was bothering him, but she took a guess it must be something creating an logic loop in his brain. (Reply: C'Nell) (posted by Lani) ----- (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0336) They had by-passed the out building. They were nearing the outskirts of the main city. The planet was in a state of anarchy. Shops were looted. Fires were everywhere. It reminded Jackson of a scene from Dante's Inferno. Society had gone crazy. The once lovely, modern city was a battleground . There were scores of individual combats going on. Tom and the rest of the team tried to not draw any attention as they moved through. Their luck ran out. Several bedraggled natives approached them demanding food and power to restore their internet like addiction. (Reply : Any) (Posted by: Bill) ----- (Yora City, Nolar, Day 2, 0337) Gan and Allen had left the place they were and went back into the street. They had been looking for an eps relay station. They finally found one in the city. Making sure no one could detect them, he moved inside. There the main plasma conduit probably coming from one of the main power source were then divided in different smaller conduits that were powering the different section of that part of the city. Using one of his engineering diagnostic tool he had brought with him, he analyzed all the plasma streams that could be detected. Slowly, all the conduits started to be drawn in a 3D plan. Interfacing that plan with the plan of the city he already had, he was able to see all the eps conduits that were going into the city. He then chose the plasma stream that were directly coming from the Government building, yet seemed to have the lowest flow. This way, he hoped to lower the risk from any incident while moving through those conduits. It wasn't 100% accurate. It was far easier to calculate accurate plasmas stream directly linked to the EPS relay station he was in, that the other ones. If luckily, most of the relay station were connected to each other to be able to redirect power in case of a damaged conduit, it still means to use different variables to determine with an imperfect accuracy what kind of plasma flow was going into one conduit. Looking at the conduit he had chosen, he identified the exact strategical location from which to enter the conduit. There was another relay station not too far from the government building. He wondered if it wasn't a kind of plasma recycling center to process faulty plasma. Whatever it was, that was where they were going to enter. Gan thought of showing the location to Allen but decided not to. Allen had been insubordinate. Not only Gan needed to make clear his rank made him rank, but he also wanted to prevent any other attempt at jeopardizing Gan's plan. The lesser he knew the better. "Follow me". he said, before leaving the station. (Reply Allen, iyw) (Posted by Nick) ----- (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0338) Tom's 'sixth sense' was literally screaming. He knew someone or something was watching them. To complicate things even more a crowd of desperate Yorans were confronting them. They couldn't retreat or advance. Tom stepped in front of the team a few paces and addressed the mob leader. "Clear the way. We are on a mission to help you" Tom uttered trying to bluff their way out. (Reply: Mob leader ) That as he expected fell on deaf ears. The silence as deafening. Just as Tom was about to speak again the mob moved forward and Jackson suddenly saw stars . Tom dropped to his knees and shook his head to clear it. The groups went into hand to hand combat . Tom tripped up the Yoran agitator who had struck him initially. Jackson gave the man reason to see stars himself ! (Reply: any present) (Posted by: Bill) ----- (Terix, Solius, Day 2, 0339) "Commander on the bridge!" announced the tactical officer. Solius took his place in the command chair and inserted the operatives record media into the display screen and studied the material. ~So our Federation friends are making their way back to the hospital.~ thought Solius. ~...and wish to uncover the mystery of the technological implants. Nothing new here.~ "I don't think our operative will allow that..." said Solius. "Sir?" asked the tactical officer. "Keep an eye on the Federation away team and our operative. As soon as they make it to the hospital I want an away team ready." Ordered Solus. (Reply None) (Posted by Steve) ----- (Yora City, C'Nell, Day 2, 0340) Jackson was overwhelmed and it was becoming clear the mob had the control in the situation, C'Nell slowed it down in his head tried to think of a way out. "Doctor get the Lieutenant to safety-he is more important" C'Nell charged not giving the Doctor time to reply, his shoulder colliding with a nearby Yoran then he grabbed a second executing a nerve pinch before the crowd enveloped him C'Nell could hold his own but only for so long. "Jess" he said meekly as he defended against the blows but realising that sentiment wouldn't help "GO!" he shouted with the last of his breath as a stray arm collided with his chest (Reply any) (posted by Nathan) ----- (Yora City, Tesha, Day 2, 0341) Tesha was in a grumpy mood. Initially, Captain Sanok had ordered the covert team to walk the two miles from the woods to the city, but later, he amended that by giving the team the option to directly beam to their destinations. Of course, they had walked the two miles. Not only that, once they were in the outskirts of the city, Doc Andersen had suggested they travel most of the way to the hospital through an old sewer pipe. The Doc had humorously insisted that Tesha go first. She could not only smell how bad it was, her antennae enhanced her olfactory system, making the trip most unpleasant, to say the least. It was probably going to take at least three sonic showers to get the stink out of her hair. This was definitely a strain on her friendship with Doc Andersen. Once the group emerged from the pipes, Lieutenant Commander Matrix had split the group into two teams of three. Tesha wasn't a Sec/Tac person, but wouldn't there be safety in numbers when moving through a city filled with people suffering from a strong tech addiction? Not saying anything, she did as she was told and went with Matrix and the administrator of the Yoran hospital. Glancing at Doc Andersen, she nodded a good-bye. Andorians were hardy people, often aggressive and quick-tempered, but seeing the people around her, almost broke Tesha's heart. They had to get the power back on, which made her wonder what was happening with Nolar and Allen. The administrator told Matrix he grew up in the part of the city they were in, so he took the lead, with Tesha bringing up the rear. She was responsible for keeping an eye on their backs, so she hadn't known that Matrix had lost sight of the administrator. When she saw the FO pressed against a wall, she quickly ducked into a doorway. Matrix was watching someone or something she couldn't see, so she strained to listen. There was a humming and a bright light that faded after a few moments, which made Tesha think someone had used a transporter. The interference in the atmosphere was preventing the use of transporters from space, so whoever it was, had to be in the sky below the interference, or on the surface. Either way, Tesha's instincts were telling her it wasn't anyone friendly to them. Were the Romulans really there? If so, why would they transport in such an open spot? Was this person meeting the administrator? If so, why would the Yoran risk being discovered when he knew she and Matrix were nearby? None of it made sense. Remaining very still, she waited for Matrix to issue an order. (reply Matrix iyw) (posted by Bob B.) ----- (Yora City Police Center, Gambril, Day 2, 0342) The Romulan had left over an hour ago, and Gambril was sitting in his office in the dark, a half-empty bottle of real scotch on his desk. Gambril had gathered information on everything the Starfleet people from the Rosenante had done while on Yora, and like the good, little, bought-and-paid-for police officer that he was, he had passed it all to the Romulan. Now, filled with guilt, he was drowning his sorrows in a bottle. How did things get this way for him? He had lived his whole life on Yora, and done what all Yorans strive to do. Earn enough to be able to acquire the chip. He had done that by becoming a policeman, a job he had wanted since he was a boy. He had performed his duties in excellence, attaining the top position of prefect of police. He thought he had it all. As Gambril worked his way up, he had learned what it was really like in the higher realms. Everyone talked about justice and equality, but people in power always had special things for themselves, for their families and friends, and for those willing to play their game. Gambril had played their game. Now, he was regretting all of it. He had gone over everything in his mind. Sooner or later, the truth was going to be revealed, and when it was, everyone that was part of it would be jailed, or fired, or exiled, and most certainly in disgrace. How could he face his wife and children when that happened? They were safe in the protected area set up for government officials, and they weren't suffering from the withdrawal the rest were, which made him feel even more guilty over what he had been part of doing to his own people. The more he thought about it, the more he realized there was only one thing he could do. Reaching into his desk drawer, he grabbed an old projectile revolver he had collected years ago. Placing it on the table, he took a deep drink from the whiskey bottle. (reply none) (posted by Bob B.) ----- (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0343) Jackson tried to reason with the mob of Yorans in front, but it wasn't exactly working. Andersen had her hand over the phaser, she didn't wanted to use it but she was ready if need be. The man ahead of the Yorans was clearly half-delusional at least, he couldn't understand reason and rallied the bunch forward. Jackson got hit on the head several times, Andersen discharged her phaser - set on a stun, of course, to several of the Yorans in the first row but they were fast and running and easily overwhelmed her. Now it was a good time to use her hand to hand knowledge she acquired - but as the fate would have it, it was C'Nell that jumped into the fray and exchanged blows with the Yorans. Half Vulcan, he appeared more stronger the Yorans. "Doctor get the Lieutenant to safety-he is more important" he yelled Realistically, there was several things that could have been done instead of blindly charging into the Yorans. She did admire the approach, but it wasn't exactly the most logical of choices, she thought. What it was, however, was a fine distraction, and perhaps a menial self sacrifice. She started giving away punches with one hand and she still had her phaser in the other, as she was breaking towards Jackson, she tried her best at incapacitating Yorans without getting herself killed in the same time. Then she picked Jackson up, did a quick glance over herself and shoot the crane-looking structure above them, blocking the access of Yorans to the other side of the way, so she could tend to Jackson's wounds. "I'm patching you up, sir. Try to concentrate on my voice and stay awake." she said, first testing the eye reflexes with her flashlight before opening her med kit. (Reply: Jackson) (Posted by: Lani) ----- (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0346) Tom's head swirled and his eyes saw a wealth of stars. He blindly reached out and tripped the attacking Yoran instigator. The lights started to go dim. He was tired and wanted to fall asleep. Tom was almost there when he heard the familiar voice of Doc Anderson shaking him gently and speaking to Tom. "Hi Doc. Nice to see a friendly face at last" Tom said chuckling a bit . (Reply: Anderson) As the doctor was tending to Tom he saw C'Nell run head long into the Yoran mob. He started to rise but the doc held him in place It was a good thing she had done so. A sea of wooziness washed over him again. The bile started to rise but Tom forced himself to not vomit. Doc Anderson fired her phaser and a tower like object fell providing a barrier to the oncoming mass of people. They withdrew to a more defensive position. Tom's senses were returning to functionality at last. Tom saw C'Nell rush forward into the developing melee. "That damned young fool" Tom growled. He had to smile briefly as he remembered himself doing exactly the same thing years ago. (Reply: any) He needed to get C'Nell out of trouble fast. (Reply: none) (Posted by: Bill West) ----- (Yora City, Andersen, Day 2, 0348) Andersen checked Jackson's pupils and reflexes, preliminary basic tests showed had an concussion since he couldn't quite follow her finger with his eyes. "Hi Doc. Nice to see a friendly face at last" Jackson said chuckling. "Hang on, sir. You've sustained a heavy hit to the head, you need medical attention." she said, injecting him with an hypospray she only knew the contents of. She picked her tricorder up, doing scans of the Jackson's brain with it, it wasn't exactly the equivalent of the ship's medical bay scanners, but at this point, it had to be enough. Tom had a brain concussion from the impact. If she would have to guess, she'd say he wasn't able to move because he was loosing some physiological functions. Luckily, as much as she could scan through the tricorder, Tom didn't seem to sustain any direct cellular damage. She administered medications against hemorrhage and pain, but Jackson really needed to rest for his brain to heal. Despite there wasn't any direct damage this time, if it would happen again at this point, no one could guarantee what would happen with Jackson's brain. Good thing they weren't in any direct danger through her quick thinking, but then, she cut off C'Nell with her action as well. Thinking through what she did, picking a person in need of medical attention, and allowing another into the grinder... she finally understood the weight of her quick decision. "That damned young fool" Jackson growled out. "Sir, I believe I did a good decision by providing the medical officer and a officer in need of medical attention a window of escape for treatment. I fully understand the depth of my choice, and I fully stand behind my decision and I am ready to accept all the consequences. At that point in time, it seemed as the best solution to the situation." she babbled up loud, looking like a sad puppy, she kinda needed time to fully grasp she just might have doomed Ensign C'Nell. A hard choice was a hard choice, no matter from what perspective she looked upon it. She could only hope C'Nell found a way to escape the grasp of the mob. (Reply: Any) (Posted by: Lani) ----- (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0350) Tom was still being tended to by Doctor Anderson. He sensed that she was uncomfortable with her action. He knew how she felt. For one it violated her Hippocratic oath and secondly, it was never easy to leave a shipmate in peril. Jackson said to her quietly “Doctor, I understand how you feel about C’Nell. It was a tough call to make. But you did do the right thing. Besides our Mr. C’Nell is resourceful and I think he’ll extricate himself” (Reply: Doc) The situation was not one where the Federation could overcome the numbers opposing them. Tom thought long and hard. He made a decision. “Folks, we need to retreat and get to a more defensible position” Tom said. He paused and realized he now was faced with a choice much like hers had been. The mission had to come first – they did not have the resources to overcome the mob. Sighing, he ordered “Fall back and we will link up with the First Officers team” Jackson ordered. This set C’Nell of on his own. Tapping his comm badge, Tom transmitted over a secured link “Commander Matrix – this is Jackson we’ve encountered a large mob and need to re-group with you. Where do you suggest?” (Reply: Matrix) (Posted by: Bill W.) ----- (Yora City,, Nolar, Day 2, 0351) The two officers arrived at the second relay station. Apparently, relay station were not the most coveted place for starving people as they made their way without having too much difficulty hiding. The entered the station. As before, they were several conduits leading to different place. The one that interested them though, was the one from which the power came. As anticipated, the conduits had a small maintenance tube. The contrary would have been surprising...Having to dig underground each time a plate buckled would not have been very practical. Gan had already made his mind. Somehow, getting all the possible outcome in his head, it was better if he gave a false location to Allen...In case he was captured... or in case someone beamed down. His intention was to hide outside of the relay station at a place where he could have a great view of the station and the surrounding. "You go and check the surrounding, and install the sensors blocker. Then you come back. You do nothing else. I will be hiding here." Gan said pointing to a dark place within the relay station. (Reply Allen) (Posted by Nick) ----- (Yora III, Nolar, Day 2, 0359) At first, he had though of moving outside of the relay station, but after consideration, if there was indeed someone spying on them, getting out would not gone unnoticed. At least, if he stayed inside, they would believe he indeed went to the power station with Allen. After having carefully installed yet another sensor blocker (better be cautious), and a proximity alert device, Gan got through of the other plasma conduits leading to another relay station or powering any facilities or houses in the area. Within the maintenance tube, he found a place big enough to hide. All he had to do was to wait for Allen to return...or someone to show up. (Reply none) (Posted by Nick) ----- (Yora City, Allen, Day 2, 0400) David made his way through the conduits, finally reaching the main power area beneath the government building. It was about two hours since they landed on Yora III, and they were still nowhere near getting the power back on. He had been insubordinate and risked discipline once they returned to the Rose, and it had been for nothing. Nolar's paranoia was so strong, he had taken them on a roundabout way getting to the facility, instead of just going directly there. He could only imagine how many Yoran lives that had cost. Sighing, David began exploring the area. It was huge, to say the least. Consoles, terminals, generators, and all kinds of engineering stuff he didn't understand, filled the place from floor to ceiling, which was about twenty feet high. It was dimly lit with emergency lights, but by David's estimation, about a third of them had gone out. There was an eerie quiet. As he moved about, tricorder scanning in every direction, he began noticing what appeared to be maintenance bots. None of them were active, but something about them caught his eye. The bots were about a meter tall, with a rounded dome head, and treads for locomotion. Each of them had arms, with various tools attached to them. That actually reminded him of Borg drones. The more he studied them, the more he realized something about them. Some were intact, but most had open hatches with wires hanging out. Looking inside with his flashlight, it appeared that parts had been taken from some and installed into others. As he widened his search, he saw that many of the consoles and panels were the same. He wasn't certain, but from what he could discern, the Yoran engineers weren't actually repairing anything. They were cannibalizing everything, as if they didn't have anything new to use to keep the system running. Instead of replacing worn parts with new, they were using used parts from something else. No wonder the power had gone out. Not sure what to make of this, David finished his tricorder sweep. Satisfied that no one else was there, he set up the sensor blocker. When he had completed his task, he began making his way back to meet Nolar. (reply Nolar) (posted by Bob B.) ----- (Yora City, C'Nell, Day 2, 0401) C'Nell awoke in a alleyway, it seemed that the Mob had unceremoniously dumped him. They had taken most things of value but forgot the holographic device, it was damaged and the charge wouldn't last long but it was enough. C'Nell stood and found one of his legs was in a great deal of pain. "Fortune favours the bold" he said, spotting a small length of wood which he used as a crutch. He turned on the holographic field, it was difficult to widen it around his new walking stick but he managed. Green blood dripped down his forehead, but he could hide it for now. He disguised himself as a Yoran while on the main streets but soon dispenced to a more bland "background" disguise as he moved out of populated areas-his combadge had been stolen, so he walked back-hoping beyond hope he could find them. He couldn't, they must have fallen back-or advanced They could be anywhere which left C'Nell with one option, returning to the shuttle. He was in a great deal of pain especially in the leg, he was slow too. He was dead in the water on this one, at least for now. (Reply None) (Posted by Nathan) ----- (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0402) Tom and company moved away from the assembled Yorans. They all kept a wary eye for any ‘tag-alongs’. As they moved further away and closer to Steve Matrix’s crew, Tom thought about Nolar and felt a pang of worry and sorrow. Jackson had served long enough to know that the good of the many at times outweighed the needs of an individual. But Tom Jackson was all human and the leaving behind of a crewmate always tugged at his consciousness. Yet if C’Nell managed to survive, he and Tom would discuss this at length. Jackson both admired and was troubled by C ’Nell’s act. Tom appreciated the man’s concern for a senior officer but was also he needed to understand all personnel were important. Jackson would have to explain to him how to tell when such sacrifices were necessary and when they were not. It came with experience Tom knew but if one were too rash once too often – the law of averages would catch up to the man. Jackson signaled for a brief pause. He needed to rest a bit as he was still woozy. He was glad to see the team was alert and scanning the surrounding area for potential threats. Sanok as Chief of Security had trained them well. He was concerned that as the CSec, he wasn’t measuring up. Tom signaled them to move onto the hospital. (Reply: none) (Posted by: Bill W.) ----- (Yora City, Jackson, Day 2, 0407) The sub-teams had reunited at last. Tom spoke to the FO and related what had happened and of his decision to abandon C'Nell. (Reply: Matrix ) Tom listened as Matrix explained what he was about to do. "Steve, I must insist we have someone occupant you when you do this" (Reply: Matrix) Matrix made the decision to accompany the administrator alone. This didn't set well with Jackson at all! Tom's 'sixth sense' began to tingle. They heard a noise that sounded like a phaser blast in the adjoining room. Jackson shouted 'Doc with me " and headed off, (Reply: Doctor) Tom raced into the room just a transporter beam faded out. Steve Matrix was on the floor in a heap. (Reply: doc,anyone) (Posted by: Bill West) ----- (Yora City Hospital, Andersen, Day 2, 0409) The hospital looked dirty, as if something happened here violently. No doubt, there were Yorans who broke in and more then likely, in their dilusional state of mind, tried stealing the medical tools or worse. She didn't like the place either. The FO and Jackson were talking, more then likely devising what to do next, Ailyn didn't pay much attention to this, instead, she was eyeballing around for any evidence of foreign technology she could use. She tried not being obvious of course. The next moment, she could see Matrix walking with the administrator, the two went on deeper into the hospital and just as she turned her head to the other side to continue what she was doing before. Several minutes have passed, for what must have felt like half an hour, she heard the sound of the disruptor breaking through and echoing through the hospital. Without any thinking, she looked at Jackson, "Doc with me" he said, and the duo raced into the transporter room where Steven Matrix was on the floor. The First Officer was alone in the room, lying down with a visible burnt wound. This did not look good... She dropped to her knees, throwing her bag near her, pulling out the tricorder and immediately scanning. "He sustained heavy chest wound... I.. if we don't start the procedure and try to save his organs right now, he might not make it." she looked at Jackson waiting for him to tell her what to do next. She was slowly panicking, every minute mattered for this man's life. They were in the hospital, but she had no idea if this place was set up for the kind of surgery she needed to do. Also, she needed a help, she couldn't do this alone. If the order would pass, however, she was ready to try her best here, realistically, she knew she could probably save his life on the Rose, but also she didn't know if he would survive long enough to get to the Rose. (Reply: Jackson) (Posted by: Lani)